Wednesday, 10 October 2012

BLOG 3 - Generic conventions of Horror Thriller Films

The Codes and conventions used in order to demonstrate and specify the genre of the film are vital in our research and consist of features such as music script, costumes, camera angles and framing. Codes state what is used in the film (e.g. props) and conventions indicate how it was used (e.g. weapon). Those qualities are manipulated to create an appropriate theme and motive for a individual genre of the film. Our film is a hybrid of crime and horror genres therefore we are planning to combine the general conventions of both categories so that out production is successful and effectual.

In advance we plan to explore the generic conventions of horror crime teaser trailers allowing us to have a clear vision of our product and start filming as effective and efficient as possible. For instance we have noticed that the most frequent used camera shot is close ups and medium shots allowing the audience to see significant footage that builds up tension along side with the use of music, which is another element that contributes to the audiences attraction to the teaser trailer. for example slow pace sound tracks and when start off smooth then builds up into a routh and creepy rythem, getting louder and louder. moreover, the hero of the film tend to traditionally be 'macho men', who are involved in some sort of danger in the film and know previous knowledge of relative situations allowing him to take control over certain situations
The narrative usually consists of an extraordinary circumstance in an ordinary situation, which is what grips the attention of the targeted audience.

Within the genre of Crime Horror films, there are characteristics of other sub-genres such as action thriller. Action thriller films usually portray scenes of attacks, glorifying crime and violence. Usually the crime is murder, and some instances mass murders, especially in the instance of a Pyscological thriller. In a Psycological thriller, the plot is always surrounded around an individiual with some sort of mental illness.

This is a crime horror teaser trailer we carefully viewed, making note of the effect it leaves on us as an audience.  We was left in suspense and awe which is the desired effect we would like to input to our own production. Furthermore, there is usually the sub-genre of crime thriller. This usually involves a police chase and the authorities becoming the hereoes of the situation.

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